site plans ☆

last updated: april 6th, 2024
- directory
- general
- create a proper logo for the website
- create a mini logo for the website
- about me
- draw splash art for about section
- finish synpaths page
- blog
- create landing page for blog posts
- create blog post skeleton
- gallery
- create garagato menu sprite for favicon
- upload 2023 art
- create 2022 section
- upload 2022 art
- create 2021 section
- upload 2021 art
- create 2020 section
- upload 2020 art
- projects
- create splash page for projects
- create project skeleton page
- create adamoss menu sprite for favicon
- create nostos region page
- curiosities
- create "interest/helpful pages" page
- note: this will include pages that were useful in the development of this page (e.g., html, graphics) or general webpage creation resources
- create "interest/helpful pages" page
- general
- shrines
- finish hnk shrine
- create pokémon shrine
- progressively work on the rest of the shrines