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ghost-types are energetic, witty, think outside the box, and tend to be the life of the party. they thrive on attention, whether positive or negative, and love to surprise people and make them laugh.

fairy type
the newest addition to the type roster, fairy types still have a lot of mystery to them. if specialists like valerie and mina are indicative of anything, it's that these pokémon are drawn to creatives. you're artistic, romantic, and have a strong sense of individuality. you follow your own rhythm; whether you prefer the cuteness of a sylveon or the creepiness of a grimsnarl, you flaunt your tastes with pride and passion!
the heroine
the ingenue, the maiden, the madonna. you're feared because of your cleverness. like the survivor, you're often the target of terrible horrors, but unlike her, you find your strength in knowledge instead of physical endurance. your patron saint is reiko asakawa. you're most compatible with the she-beast, whose torment could be eased by your gentle touch.
which female horror archetype are you?
you're the SMARTASS RIDER!
i don't know if you're the main rider, secondary rider, or whatever, all i know is you're actually the smartest person here and no one else can pry that from your hands. unlike some other riders, you have the brains to back up your talk, and you usually end up saving one of your dumbass companions from many dumb situations. you deserve a break, just go take a vacation for a little bitiI promise everything will be fine when you get back. some characters that fall under this type are phillip (kamen rider w) and mitsuzane kureshima (kamen rider ryugen).
which kamen rider character type are you?
your class is druid (75%)
the druid is a guardian of the natural world, embodying harmony, wisdom, and reverence for the interconnected web of life. they are mystics who commune with nature, channeling its power to shape-shift, heal, and wield elemental forces. druids are stewards of the land, protecting it from harm and nurturing its growth and vitality. their deep connection to the earth grants them the ability to communicate with animals, manipulate plants, and command the elements. beyond their mastery of nature's magic, druids serve as intermediaries between the civilized world and the wild, seeking to maintain the delicate balance between order and chaos. they are often solitary wanderers, wandering through ancient forests and untamed wilderness, seeking to learn the secrets of the natural world and protect it from harm. in essence, the druid is a guardian of life itself, embodying the timeless cycles of birth, growth, decay, and renewal that define the natural world.
d&d class test
you get lots of stuff to climb, and some little hidey places too like a house or a fake rock with a blanket in it. it's like, part regular trees and part wooden jungle gym they hope you'll climb on like it's trees, and they hang food and toys on all the branches so you don't get bored. the enclosure is honestly so interesting you don't have to do much, just find a spot that's kind of hard to get to and fall asleep in it and the crowd loves you. wait for the keeper to get all the way to the top of the ladder to get you, then jump down and run away just to fuck with them.
what type of zoo enclosure should you be kept in?
your heart belongs to your lover
you were never loved as much as you deserved growing up. your heart catches fire when you feel the love of another now, and when you return that love you do so with the full force of your soul. to you, love is like air, your lungs are begging for it with every beat of your heart. you are passionate to the end, you embody the bones of your ancestors who were buried together. you are just as loved as you are human.
to whom does your heart belong?
wisdom and knowledge
intelligent and trusted, there is rarely a soul who doesn’t hear and value your voice. you act as a guiding light in an array of situations. calm and wise, you offer the deepest and sincerest insights regarding the world’s problems.
if you were a deity, what would you be the god of?
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Like deer, a female rabbit is called a 'doe' and a male rabbit is called a 'buck'
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